1987: | Galleria Liberty, Palermo (Italy) |
1988: | Alena Adlung Gallery, New York (USA) |
| Expo Arte, Bari (Italy) |
1989: | Alena Adlung Gallery, New York (USA) |
| Galerie Alphaflor, Freiburg (Germany) |
| Galleria il Canovaccio, Roma (Italy) |
| Galerie Ruf, München (Germany) |
1990: | Alena Adlung Gallery, New York (USA) |
| Schlosspark-Pavillon, Bad Säckingen (Germany) |
| Galleria Liberty, Palermo (Italy) |
1991: | Mia Gallery, Chicago (USA) |
| Galerie Kleiner Prinz, Baden-Baden (Germany) |
| Galleria Alba, Ferrara (Italy) |
1992: | Ambassy of Germany, Vienna (Austria) |
| Galleria Liberty, Palermo (Italy) |
1994: | Schlosspark-Pavillon, Bad Säckingen (Germany) |
1995: | Sagra del mandorlo in fiore, Jolly Hotel, Agrigent (Italy) |
| City hall, Castellana sicula (Italy) |
| Searching Gulliver, Museum of Mandralisca, Cefalù (Italy) |
1996: | Searching Gulliver, City hall, Villabate (Italy) |
| The doors inside, Palazzo Butera, Bagheria (Italy) |
| Centro d‘Arte Raffaello, Palermo (Italy) |
| Club Arte "Gruppo 2001", Marsala (Italy) |
1997: | Graffiti, Addaura Hotel Residence Congressi, Palermo (Italy) |
| Circolo civico, Chiusa Sclafani (Italien) |
1998: | Mondo Tondo, Palermo (Italy) |
| Circolo Civico, Bisaquino (Italy) |
2000: | Tesion Telekommunication, Stuttgart (Germany) |
| ARTratHAUS, City Hall, Görwihl (Germany) |
2002: | Creeksidegallery, Park City UT (USA) |
| La Bottega di Hefesto, Palermo (Italy) |
2004: | Galerie Noodlebärg, Basel (Switzerland) |
2006: | Hirschmuseum, Höchenschwand (Germany) |
2007: | new oil-pictures, Kunstwerksta(d)tt, Laufenburg (Germany) |
| Schlosskeller Tiengen, Waldshut-Tiengen (Germany) |
2008: | Eva Warnke in Laufenburg, Verkehrsverein, Laufenburg (Switzerland) |
2009: | Gallery Noodlebärg, Basle (Switzerland) |
2011: | New Trompe-l'oeils, Tamm Gallery, Oldenburg (Germany) |
2013: | Galerie der Kunstfreunde, Bad Zwischenahn (Germany) |
| Eight (8), Galerie des BBK (Bund Bildender Künstler), Oldenburg (Deutschland) |
2014: | Galerie Noodlebärg, Galerie Noodlebärg, Basel (Schweiz) |
| Tokyo International Art Show, Trade Center, Tokyo (Japan) |
| European Masters, Alena Adlung Gallery, New York (USA) |
| Expo Arte, Bari (Italy) |
| Internationale Kunstausstellung, Kongresshaus, Zürich (Switzerland) |
| Internationale Kunstausstellung, Novotel, Freiburg (Germany) |
| Große Kunstausstellung, Hilton Hotel, Strasbourg (France) |
| Exposition d‘ art européenne, Salle Wagram, Paris (France) |
| Euro Expoart, Roma (Italy) |
| Internationale Kunstausstellung, Stadthalle, Heidelberg (Germany) |
| Bildende Künstler der Gegenwart, Galerie Kleiner Prinz, Baden-Baden (Germany) |
| Segno & Colore, Graffiti, Hotel Club Ramuxara, Campobello di Mazzara (Italy) |
| Arte e mestieri nella conca d’oro, Graffiti, Palazzo Ruggeriano, Altofonte (Italy) |
| Nel Castello, Graffiti, Castle of Carini, Carini (Italy) |
| Maria nell’arte, City Hall, San Giuseppe Jato (Italy) |
| I Rassegna d'Arte contemporanea Principe di Palagonia, Regio Albergo delle Povere, Palermo (Italy) |
| Dellamorte, Bottega di Hefesto, Palermo (Italy) |
| Große Kunstausstellung, Rheinterrasse, Düsseldorf (Germany) |
| Uno sguardo dal monte, Provincia regionale di Trapani, Erice (Italy) |
| Figurazione 93, International Mail Art Archiv, Ferrara (Italy) |
| International Group Exhibition, Montague Galleries Inc., New York (USA) |
| Opera unica, Centre Culturel Francais, Palermo (Italy) |
| Il piccolo formato, Galleria Il Corridoio, Palermo (Italy) |
| Oltre un sorriso, Museum Mandralisca, Cefalù (Italy) |
| Sevaral exhibitions, Club Arte Gruppo 2001, Marsala (Italy) |
| Un Natale insieme, Istituto Pignatelli, Palermo (Italy) |
| Benvenuta Italia, Galerie Ruf, München (Germany) |
| Arterrona, Mondo Tondo, Palermo (Italy) |
| Arte e solidarietà, Villa Palomes, Palermo (Italy) |
| Arte al centro storico, Galleria L‘ Emiro, Palermo (Italy) |
| Mare d‘ amare, itinerant exhibition with Club Arte Gruppo 2001, Sicily (Italy) |
| A che Gioconda giochiamo, Addaura Residence, Palermo (Italy) |
| Exhibition of jubilee, Galerie Noodlebärg, Basle (Switzerland) |
| Kunststueck, Galerie Kura, Herznach (Switzerland) |
| winter exhibition, Gallery Inter-Art-Reich, Cologne (Germany) |
| Summer-exhibition, GalleryArt-Inter-Reich, Cologne (Germany) |
| Früjahrssalon, GalleryZasius, Friburgo (Germany) |
| Art fair, with Alta Ripa Gallery, Salzburg (Austria) |
| Art fair Boundless, with Event Art gallery, Feldkirch (Austria) |
| Art Fair Hanseart, Weser-Ems-Hall, with Kunst-und Künstler Agentur, Oldenburg (Germany) |
| Galerie Noodlebärg, Basle (Switzerland) |
| Creekside Gallery, Scottsdale, Arizona (USA) |
| Graffiti, Addaura Hotel Residence Congressi, Palermo (Italy) |
| Gallery Liberty, Palermo (Italy) |
| Inter-Art-Galerie Reich, Cologne (Germany) |